I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again! It seems like we were just basking in summer sun… now I am scrambling to think of holiday gifts. Tell me I’m not the one! Here are some great gift
Ocean Full of Wonder by Anna Smithers
Ocean Full of Wonder by Anna Smithers – an inspirational book teaching kids about the majesty of the ocean and the importance of preserving it.
Das große Anziehpuppen-Buch zum Herausdrücken
Finally, an old-school style paper doll set that’s actually cute and has a wide variety of clothes! Childhood memories unlocked
Fit für Mathe 1. Klasse
I am looking for books to help me prepare Nina for first grade next year. If you’re on the same boat, I’d recommend these from Tessloff Verlag for maths!
Best Books for Babies and Toddlers
My favourite books for babies and toddlers, from real-life experience that Nina loved as a baby.
How to be a Brand Ambassador
Would you like to be a brand ambassador? Read all about it here.
Princess Nina the Great
Princess Nina The Great – a personalised book from Wonderbly, fit for a princess!
Nina’s Treasury of Nursery Rhymes
Nina’s Treasury of Nursery Rhymes, a personalised book from Wonderbly
First impression: it’s a work of art. Even the packing was neat and meticulous, and rightfully so… because the beautiful book definitely deserved to be optimally protected in its long journey from the USA to Germany. Book mails are always
Free Easter and Spring Bundle
Another week of Easter break and you’re out of ideas to entertain your little ones? Fret not! Twinkl got you covered. They have compiled an Easter and spring bundle, free to download for everyone here: https://www.twinkl.de/resource/oster-bastelspass-bundel-mit-bastelvorlagen-de-k-1646186639 So what is included?