Anna Smithers wrote one of our all-time favourite books Tree Full of Wonder, so I was super excited when I found out that she’s writing another one about the ocean!

First impression: it didn’t disappoint. The illustrations beautifully capture the majesty of the ocean. We just had to stop on each page to admire the pictures.

Smithers continues to write in rhymes which make the narrative flow smoothly like a poem – something that we also enjoyed from Tree Full of Wonder.

But the most important of all, these books educate and bring inspiration. After reading Tree Full of Wonder, Nina became aware of the importance of trees. This one brought a discussion of how our plastic waste hurts the sea creatures.

It will take time to change the world for the better, but the least we can do right now is educate young minds so they will do better than our generation.

You can get this beautiful, inspirational book here:

Ocean Full of Wonder by Anna Smithers
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